Swami Kriyananda’s Accomplishments, Awards and Honors

Swami KriyanandaSwami Kriyananda

(Donald Walters, 1926-2013)

Founder of Ananda Sangha

Ananda World Brotherhood Communities & Retreats

Education for Life Schools

New Renunciate Nayaswami Order


Personal Profile

Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) has been a tireless proponent of Yoga principles for 60 years. In 1948 at the age of twenty-two, he became a disciple of the Indian yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda. He is one of a few remaining direct disciples of Yogananda teaching today.

At Yogananda’s request, Swami Kriyananda devoted his life to teaching and writing, helping others to experience the joy and living presence of God within. He personally lectured on four continents in seven languages over the course of more than 60 years. His television programs, audio and video recordings of his talks and music, and his many books in 28 languages have touched the lives of millions of people.

Swami Kriyananda has taken the ancient teachings of Raja Yoga and made them practical and useful for people in every walk of life. His books and teachings cover nearly every field of human endeavor, including spiritualizing business life, leadership, education, the arts, community life, and science. He has written extensive commentaries on the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita.

Swami Kriyananda is also known as the “father of the intentional communities movement” which began in the United States in the late 1960s. Inspired by his guru’s dream of establishing spiritual communities, in 1968 he founded the first of what are now nine Ananda communities worldwide. They provide a supportive environment of “simple living and high thinking” where 1,000 full-time residents live, work, and worship together.

“The time has come for people to live lives of even higher dedication than that which inspired monks and nuns of the past…The time has come for people to direct their spiritual awareness also downward into matter…to everything they do: their work, to education, to family life, to friendship, to their communications with strangers, to the way they build their homes — to all the most mundane, practical aspects of daily, human life.

Men need now to become God-centered from within, and from that center to see God everywhere, in everything.” From Cities of Light, Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)

A monastic nearly all of his adult life, Swami Kriyananda is a swami of the Giri (Mountain) branch of the Swami Order, as was his guru and his guru’s guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar. He was the Dharmacharya (leading according to Dharma) and spiritual guide for Ananda communities and activities worldwide. He founded The Nayaswami Order, a new monastic order, in 2009. His successor is Nayaswami Jyotish.



  • 2009: The Nayaswami Order: A new movement based on positive aspects of renunciation, rather than the traditional world-negating approach. It is intended for people from all walks of life, married or single, who are committed to finding God. The Nayaswami Order is open to people of every religious affiliation. Currently, there are close to 1,000 members of this order, described in A Renunciate Order for the New Age.
  • 2009-present: An Ananda community and retreat center near Pune, India.
  • 2003-present: An Ananda center in India headquartered near New Delhi. Initiatives include: training thousands of Indians in meditation and yoga principles, Kriya initiations and new meditation groups in major cities, the Yoga Institute of Living Wisdom, development of affordable solar power technologies for India’s small villages, and a publishing company to bring the teachings of Yogananda affordably to India’s people.
  • 1967-present: Nine intentional communities worldwide with 1,000 residents: Ananda Village in Nevada City, CA (the first and largest community); Ananda Seattle; Ananda Portland, OR; Ananda Sacramento; Ananda Palo Alto; Ananda Los Angeles; Ananda Europa in Assisi, Italy; Ananda in New Delhi (Gurgaon), and Ananda in Pune, India.
  • 1967 to present: Places of worship called Ananda Sangha in each of the cities above, providing training in Raja Yoga and meditation, spiritual support, and weekly worship services.
  • 1967 to present: Retreat centers that provide spiritual training for guests and opportunities for seclusion. Expanding Light Retreat in Nevada City, CA; Ananda Meditation Retreat in Nevada City; and Ananda Europa in Assisi, Italy.
  • 1973 to present: Education for Life Schools for children, which offer character development, strong academics, and development of moral strength. The school curriculum is ecumenical; students of all religious backgrounds may attend. There are schools in Portland, Seattle, Palo Alto, Nevada City, Assisi, Italy, and in India. Many other schools are adopting the curriculum and ideals of Education for Life.
  • 1987: A new religious order (Ananda Sevaka) and The Rule, which guides the spiritual lives of order members. This order is unusual in that it provides guidance both to monastics and householders.
  • 1986: A new worship service called The Festival of Light, which describes the soul’s long journey from relative ignorance to the light of spiritual understanding. This ceremony is an integral part of Ananda’s Sunday worship service, accompanied by music and periods of prayer and blessing.
  • 1971 to present: Meditation groups, which meet regularly for meditation and fellowship. There are currently over 125 groups in 19 countries.

Spiritual Teacher

2013-14: Collaborated on the writing and early filming of The Answer, about his search for spiritual truth and his early life with Yogananda (premiered at Cannes Film Festival in 2015).

2012-13: Collaborated on the writing and filming of Finding Happiness, a film starring Elisabeth Rohm (LA Law) which explores the lifestyle and approach of people living at Ananda communities.

2012: Author Yogananda for the World, an exploration of how Yogananda is represented by Self-Realization Fellowship in ways that diverge from his original teachings and personal experience of the great yoga master. (a more complete list of books is below, under “Author”).

2012: Author Paramhansa Yogananda: A Biography, with Personal Reflections and Reminiscences

2009: Author The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda

2007: Author In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection, a compendium of letters sent to seekers over a 40-year period.

2007: Author of Revelations of Christ, Proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda. Based on the experience of realized saints, and in many cases, different than the traditional interpretations by theologians.

2006: Author of 600-page commentary The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, scripture to a billion of the world’s people. New insights on the nature of consciousness, the yogic pathway to freedom through subtle energy currents in the spine, and the importance of the mystic and the moral teachings of the Gita.

2006: Keynote speaker at World Congress, “Expanding Paradigms, Science, Consciousness, and Spirituality,” All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi

2003-2004: Authored a weekly column on spiritual living for The Hindustani Times.

2005: Keynote speaker, International Project Management Association (IPMA) Conference, New Delhi, November 13-16.

2005: Recorded for AASTA Television Channel 365 episodes of a 20-minute program called “Way of Awakening” based on his book, Conversations with Yogananda. Continues to be broadcast daily to hundreds of millions of Hindu viewers worldwide.

2005: Guest of honor and keynote speaker for launch of Conversations with Yogananda, Milan, Italy.

2005: Wrote Material Success Through Yoga Principles, an ongoing home study course to help integrate spiritual principles with work life.

2004: Began teaching and writing full-time in India, and guiding the teaching activities of a large team of long-time students near New Delhi.

2003: Keynote speaker at conference “Signs and Messages of the Soul,” Anima Edizioni, Milan, Italy

1998-2004: Began teaching and writing full-time in Italy, teaching weekly at the Ananda Assisi Retreat, one of the largest yoga retreat centers in Europe.

1991: Speaker at “Visions of the Future” conferences with Louise Hay and others.

1990-2002: Expert witness and defense in a major lawsuit which threatened religious freedoms for Ananda, and potentially many other small religious group in the U.S. Ananda won this case and established helpful precedent in future cases: the teachings and likeness of Yogananda are not the property of any single organization, and many of his original writings are now in the public domain, and can be studied freely by anyone. Yogananda’s name and the phrase “Self-realization” cannot be trademarked or owned by any organization.

1989: Keynote speaker for Whole Life Expo in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.

1986: Wrote Education for Life, describing the educational approach used in Ananda schools for children.

1980: Established a retreat and community in Italy.

1978: Began the first of eight spiritual communities in more urban areas, this one in Sacramento, allowing more people to live and work in an Ananda community, and still be active in the world.

1978: Two national lecture tours: “Joy is Within You.”

1976: Wrote The Path, an autobiography that also serves as a guidebook for other aspiring disciples: how to seek God, how to develop spiritually, the nature of a guru. He also shared many examples from Yogananda’s life that had never been published before.

1973: Founded Education for Life Schools for children, offering character development, strong academics, and development of moral strength. The school curriculum is ecumenical; students of all religious backgrounds may attend.

1967-2013: Author of many books that help people to spiritualize nearly every aspect of human endeavor.

1967-2013: Teaches the public and his long-time students in weekly Services, retreats, classes, and satsangs. He has taught thousands of classes since 1949, and continues to the present day.

1967-98: Taught yoga and meditation throughout northern California.

1969: Founded Ananda Community in Nevada City, CA as an experiment in intentional living and as a supportive environment for individuals seeking spiritual growth.

1968: Wrote Raja Yoga study course as a comprehensive home study guide to its practice and understanding.

1967: Founded the Ananda Meditation Retreat in Nevada City, CA for the study of yoga and meditation, and the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.

1966-1969: Had a weekly 15-minute radio program in Sacramento.

1966: Taught for the Peace Corps at University of California at Davis.

1964-1969: Had a weekly 15-minute radio program in San Francisco.

1963: Taught at the American Academy of Asian Studies in San Francisco, one of the roots in the early 1960s of what later was known as “the San Francisco Renaissance.”

1962-1964: Served as the teacher for The Cultural Integration Fellowship in San Francisco

1958-62: Served as the main minister and lecturer in India for Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and Yogoda Satsanga (YSS).

1960: Elected to the Board and made Vice President of SRF/YSS.

1950-1958: Served as the main minister for Self-Realization Fellowship churches in Southern California.

1950: Placed in charge of the male monastics by Yogananda.

1949: Made a minister by Yogananda. Instructed to do so by his guru, began lecturing regularly at the SRF Hollywood Temple in Los Angeles, CA.

Spiritual Leader

1949-2013: Swami Kriyananda did not have what most people would consider a personal life. He endeavored to uplift humankind however possible, through writing, lecturing, music, and acts of loving-kindness. He trained a large number of his students to teach and to assume leadership responsibility in the same way, as free as possible from personal concern, thinking of the spiritual needs of others. He offered spiritual counseling personally and in correspondence. He was a patient and sensitive teacher, allowing people to learn by experience, and putting the needs of individuals above the organization. “People are more important than things” is one of the guiding principles of Ananda life; leaving things undone is preferable when there is spiritual benefit to someone in the middle of learning a hard life lesson. “Where there is adherence to dharma, there is victory” is another of Ananda’s guiding principles. Kriyananda encouraged his students to live in harmony with others, but also to speak out with courage when true principles are at stake. His life was filled with many examples of both kindness and firm courage in the face of adharma (injustice).


Swami Kriyananda has written many books, each intended to help individuals expand their awareness and deepen their inner experience of God. They are inspired by his more than 60 years of discipleship, his intense study and personal experience of the power of Raja Yoga to transform human consciousness, and his compassion for the suffering of the soul when separated from God. Eighty-one of his books have been translated into one or more languages, other than the original English. His books are available in 30 different languages in 90 countries.

Love Perfected, Life Divine (novel), 2013

The Time Tunnel, 2013

A Pilgrimage to Guadalupe: The Final Journey of the Soul, 2013

Demystifying Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras, 2013

Yogananda for the World, 2012

Self-Expansion Through Marriage: A Way to Inner Happiness, 2012

Paramhansa Yogananda: A Biography with Personal Reflections and Reminiscences, 2012

My Vision for the Future of Mankind (DVD), Tecniche Nuove, Anima TV, Milan, Italy, 2010

Living Wisely, Living Well, 2010

A Renunciate Order for the New Age, 2010

Do It Well! 2010

The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda, 2009

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, video series, 2009

Whispers from Eternity by Paramhansa Yogananda, edited by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda, 2008

Religion in the New Age and Other Essays: A Devotee’s Handbook, 2008

In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection, 2007

Revelations of Christ, Proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda, 2007

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda, 2006

Material Success Through Yoga Principles, 2005

Sadhu Beware!, 2005

The Story Behind the Story, 2005

Space, Light, Harmony, 2005

God is For Everyone, 2004

I’ve Passed My Life as a Stranger, Lord, 2004

Conversations with Yogananda, 2003

The Singer and the Nightingale, 2003

Art and Science of Raja Yoga, 2002

Hope for a Better World, 2002

The Land of Golden Sunshine, 2002

Out of the Labyrinth, 2001

Promise of Immortality, 2001

Secrets of Comfort and Joy, 2000

Shaped by Saints (co-authored with Devi Mukherjee and Durga Smallen), 2000

The Hindu Way of Awakening, 1998

Affirmations for Self-Healing, 1997

Education for Life (Second Edition), 1997

Secrets of Meditation, 1997

Awaken to Superconsciousness, 1996

Meditation for Starters, 1996

A Place Called Ananda, 1996

Rays of the One Light, 1996

Do It Now, 1995

Expansive Marriage–A Way to Self-Realization, 1995

Moments of Truth (Volume 1), 1995

Secrets of Emotional Healing, 1995

Secrets of Friendship, 1995

Beatitudes, 1994

Life’s Little Secrets–For Children, 1994

Little Secrets of Friendship–For Children, 1994

Little Secrets of Happiness–For Children, 1994

Little Secrets of Success–For Children, 1994

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained Spiritually, 1994

Religion in the New Age, 1993

Secrets for Men, 1993

Secrets for Women, 1993

Secrets of Leadership, 1993

Secrets of Love, 1993

Secrets of Prosperity, 1993

Secrets of Self-Acceptance, 1993

Secrets of Winning People, 1993

Secrets of Radiant Health and Well-Being, 1993

Secrets of Bringing Peace on Earth, 1993

Secrets of Marriage, 1993

Money Magnetism: How to Attract What You Need, When You Need It, 1992

Secrets of Life, 1992

The Peace Treaty, 1991

The Essence of Self-Realization, 1990

Intentional Communities: How to Start Them and Why, 1990

Rays of the Same Light (Volume 3), 1989

Secrets of Happiness, 1989

Secrets of Inner Peace, 1989

Secrets of Success, 1989

Art as a Hidden Message, 1988

Rays of the Same Light (Volume 2), 1988

Twenty-Six Keys to Living With Greater Awareness, 1989

The Art of Supportive Leadership, 1987

Cities of Light, 1987

How to Be a True Channel, 1987

On Wings of Joy, 1987

Rays of the Same Light (Volume 1), 1987

Guidelines for Conduct of Members of Ananda Sevaka Order, 1987

Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness, 1985

How to Spiritualize Your Marriage, 1982

A New Dispensation, 1982

How to Use Money for Your Own Highest Good, 1981

The Art of Creative Leadership, 1980

Keys to the Bhagavad Gita, 1979

Winging on the Wind, 1979

Meaning in the Arts, 1978

The Path, One Man’s Quest On the Only Path There Is, 1977

Stories of Mukunda, 1976

Visit to Saints of India, 1975

The Jewel in the Lotus, 1974

The Road Ahead, 1974

Tales for the Journey, 1974

Eastern Thoughts, Western Thoughts, 1973

Letters to Truthseekers, 1973

Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide, 1971

India’s Ancient Book of Prophecy, 1967

Yours the Universe!, 1967

Publisher: Crystal Clarity, Publishers, 14618 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, CA 95959

(800) 424-1055, www.crystalclarity.com.


Give Me Thy Heart—Rule for Monks, 1959

Publisher: Self-Realization Fellowship, 3880 San Rafael Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90065


Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos: The Rise of the Integral Vision of Reality, by Ervin Laszlo, (Inner Traditions) 2006


Swami Kriyananda has composed over 400 pieces of music, both vocal and instrumental. He described it as coming through him from a higher Source, rather than being created by him. He felt that music can help to uplift consciousness, both in the listener and the performer. Many of his students are also musicians, and experience the performance of this music as an integral part of their spiritual practice. A few notable compositions and collections (see addendum for a more complete list):

The Oratorio: Christ Lives, vocal, instrumental

Secrets of Love, instrumental

Life Mantra, choir

The Divine Romance, piano sonata

Songs of Divine Joy, vocal

Songs of Shakespeare, vocal

Mystic Harp, I and II, instrumental (recorded by Derek Bell of the Chieftains)

Innovations in Teaching

  • Applied the principles of Yoga philosophy to the pressing needs of daily life, and devoted his lectures and books to making those principles accessible and practical for all.
  • Developed a method of educating children that teaches skills in maturity and character to prepare children for success in life. Children learn emotional self-mastery, conflict resolution, and compassion, among many other skills. Emphasis is on increasing awareness of Self and of others, and developing a lifelong enthusiasm for learning.
  • Developing a curriculum for a new school in India for children with practical tests that will measure these critical indicators for success later in life: Creativity Quotient, Ambition Quotient, Happiness Quotient, Competency Quotient, and Perceptivity Quotient (rather than only an Intelligence or IQ test).
  • Taught his long-time students by suggesting life and work situations that bring out the character and soul development needed. His instructional style was unusually understated and patient, allowing people to learn for themselves by experience, sometimes hard-won over many years.

Honors and Awards

  • 2012 International Book Award for Best New Spirituality Book for Paramhansa Yogananda: A Biography With Personal Reflections & Reminiscences
  • 2012 Letter from Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Los Angeles: “For over 50 years, Swami Kriyananda has shed a spiritual and reflective light into the world, across continents and into the lives of individuals. We thank him for his many accomplishments and for sharing the life and teachings of yogi Paramhansa Yogananda.”
  • Appointed to the Board of Vedanta Today (2009)
  • Recipient of the Eric Hoffer Award (self-help/spiritual books) and the USA Book News Award (spiritual category) for The New Path. (2009)
  • Recipient of the Yoga nel mondo Award by the Milan and Rome Yoga Festival with this tribute: “To the Master Swami Kriyananda, enlightened representative of the yoga science and philosophy, and indefatigable supporter and major spokesman of the bridge between East and West” (May 2008)
  • Appointed Honorary Member of the International Yoga Confederation of New Delhi, and Honorary Member of the World Movement for Yoga ( May 2008)
  • Recipient of the 1st Conacreis Award (National Coordination of the Ethical, Interior and Spiritual Centers) to honor Swami Kriyananda’s dedication to the building of spiritual communities worldwide (May 2008)
  • Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest International (May 2008)
  • Recipient of the Julius Caesar Medal in Campidoglio, Rome, delivered by On. Paolo Masini, Responsabile della Cultura del Comune di Roma (2007)
  • Recipient of the Premio Ponte 2007 del Consorzio Per i Libri, Torino (Bridge Award of the Consortium for Books) for “affirming the principles of union between East and west, spreading throughout the world the ancient principles of Yoga and the spiritual teachings of the highest Indian tradition of Self-realization, making them practical and at the same available to people of every social level, and applicable in every area of daily life.” given by Consorzio Per i Libri President, Enrico Iacometti (2007)
  • Member of The Club of Budapest International. Other members include Mikhail Gorbachev, the Dalai Lama, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. (2005)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Unity in Yoga Conference, Snowmass, CO (1995)
  • Nominated for the Templeton Progress in Religion Prize (1992)
  • First prize at the National Festival of World Peace in Italy for the Oratorio: “Christ Lives” (1991)
  • The Presidential Cup, second prize at the 1st Annual Modial Mariano, Colle di Fuori, Rome, Italy for the Oratorio: “Christ Lives” (1989)
  • Adelaide Ristori Award, Italy, for the Oratorio: “Christ Lives” (1990)


Raja Yoga

Yoga philosophy




Scriptural interpretation of the Bible and Bhagavad Gita


Meaning in the arts




Principles of success

Foreign Language Abilities/Skills

Italian, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Bengali, Rumanian, Indonesian, and English

Lectures in English, Italian, French, German, and Spanish; has lectured in Hindi and Bengali

Specialized Skills

  • Composer (see addendum)
  • Lyricist and Poet: Won two poetry awards at Haverford College; studied under W.H. Auden.
  • Writer (see Author, above)
  • Playwright: The Peace Treaty, The Singer and the Nightingale, and Jewel in the Lotus.
  • Photographer: Fifteen-thousand photographs which endeavor to capture the consciousness behind images. Some photos have been used on inspirational posters and in books.
  • “Occasional artist with a brush” – paintings have been used on book covers and on posters.
  • Vocal soloist on recordings including: I’ve Passed My Life as a Stranger, Some of My Favorites, Soul Songs, Memories, Mantra, and Cosí Canta il mio Cuore.

Volunteer Work

1948-2013: Swami Kriyananda has worked full-time in service to others for little or no income. Copyrights to his books and music have been placed in a trust. Royalties are directed toward the work of sharing Yogananda’s teachings with the public. For many years, he received no salary or stipend, and depended on donations for all his needs, including food, housing, and medical care.

1997: After the massive earthquakes that damaged large areas around Assisi, Italy including the Basilica of St. Francis, Swami Kriyananda raised funds to help rebuild homes in the area in a campaign called “Hope and Homes for Italy.” He encouraged the use of wood instead of stone building materials, to minimize future earthquake fatalities.

Academic Background

1948: Began a lifetime of discipleship to Paramhansa Yogananda, which proved to be the “higher” education he was longing for.

1945: Brown University, English major, education not completed

1943: Haverford College

1942: Scarsdale High School, New York

1940: Kent School, Kent, Connecticut

1939: Hackley School, Tarrytown, New York

1937: The Downs School, Colwall, England

1935: L’Avenir School, Chesières, Switzerland

1931-1935: Teleajean, Rumania school (Calvert System) and home schooling


Jyotish and Devi Novak, jyotish@ananda.org, devi@ananda.org

Asha Praver, asha@anandapaloalto.org

Padma McGilloway, padma@anandaseattle.org

Kirtani Stickney, kirtani@ananda.it

Dharmadas Schuppe, dharmadas@ananda.org


Musical Compositions


A New Renaissance, instrumental

Adolescence, instrumental

All the World is My Friend, vocal

An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), vocal

AUM, Mantra of Eternity (traditional), vocal

Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, vocal and instrumental

Chants from Fratellanza Della Gioia, chanting, vocal

Chant of the Angels, vocal, instrumental

Christ Lives, vocal, instrumental

Come Gather ‘Round, vocal

Festival of Light, vocal

I Am Thine, chanting, vocal

I Cantanti Della Gioia, vocal

I, Omar, instrumental

Into the Magic, vocal

Joy in the Heavens, vocal

Joy Singers in Concert, vocal

Kriyananda Chants Yogananda, chanting, vocal

Life is a Quest for Joy, instrumental

Mantra (traditional), vocal

Mediterranean Magic, instrumental, vocal

Memories, vocal

More Power to You, vocal

Music for Meditation, vocal

Music from Ananda, vocal

Music to Awaken Superconsciousness, instrumental

Mystic Harp, instrumental

Mystic Harp 2, instrumental

Nel Silenzio del Mio Cuore, vocal

Oratorio: Christ Lives, vocal and instrumental

Praise Ye the Lord, vocal

Rumanian Memories, vocal and instrumental

Say “Yes” to Life, vocal

Secrets of Life, instrumental with affirmations

Secrets of Love, instrumental

Songs of Gladness, vocal

Songs of India, vocal

Songs of Prayer, vocal

Songs of Shakespeare (melodies), vocal

Songs of St. Francis, vocal

Songs of the Soul, vocal

Soul Songs, vocal

That Night When Christ Was Born, vocal

Wedding Music, vocal

Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), vocal

World Brotherhood Choir in Assisi, vocal

Publisher: Crystal Clarity, Publishers, recordings and sheet music


Brahmanandam, vocal

Music for Meditation, Yogananda’s chants, vocal

Publisher: Self-Realization Fellowship, recordings


Compositions, from 1964, by title:

Chinese Garden, instrumental, 2001

Fill Me With the Sound of AUM, chant, 2001

Echoes of a Lost Joy (section of Memories of a Lost Joy), instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Goodnight, Sweetheart, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Bids Adieu to Uncertainty, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is a Magician, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is a Search for One’s Own Self, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is a Shared Sense of Fun, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is Ever-New Discovery, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is Mutual Soul-Recognition, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is Shared Understanding, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Aspiration Toward Perfection, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Dawn of Understanding, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Doorway to Freedom, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Dream of Infinity, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Memory of a Lost Joy, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Perfection of Friendship, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love Is the Voice of Stillness, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love, Like a Garden, Needs Tending Daily, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Love’s Laughter Is Kindly, instrumental, Secrets of Love, 2000

Awa’ to the Hills, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Brave Were the People, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Brave Were the People, vocal, 1999

Celtic Memories, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

The Christ Child’s Asleep, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Dare To Be Different, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Dare to Be Different!, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1999

Dark Eyes, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Dark Eyes, vocal, 1999

Freedom? ‘Tis a Gladsome Heart, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Home Is a Green Hill, vocal, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Home’s Where the Heart Is, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

It’s God’s Green Earth, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Jenny Will Love Me, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Jenny Will Love Me, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1999

Johnnie’s a Braw Dancer!, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Marchin’ Off to Glory, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Sailing the Blue Sea, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

To Death I’m a Stranger, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Wedding Dance, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

With Bobbie I’ll Dance, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1999

Ah, Fill the Cup, instrumental, Raga Omar Khayyam, Himalayan Nights 2, 1998

The Ancient Ruby, instrumental, Raga Omar Khayyam, Himalayan Nights 2, 1998

Music of A Distant Drum, instrumental, Raga Omar Khayyam, Himalayan Nights 2, 1998

Through the Seventh Gate, instrumental, Raga Omar Khayyam, Himalayan Nights 2, 1998

I Am But An Empty Vessel (melody), chant, 1997

The Temptation of Christ, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996, 2000 (expanded)

A Thousand Blossoms Woke with the Day, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Ah, Moon of My Delight, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Alas, That Spring Should Vanish with the Rose, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Ancient Memories, instrumental, A Celtic Evening with Derek Bell, 1996

Birds in the Spring, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1996

Celtic Moonrise, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Daughter of Aran, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Deirdre’s Sorrows, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Deirdre’s Sorrows, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1996

Desdemona’s Song, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Desert Solitude, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

The Divine Mother, duet, 2013

Dublin Town, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Dublin Town, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1996

Emerald Isle, vocal, A Celtic Evening with Derek Bell, 1996

The Few Were Soon Many, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

God Is Truth, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

The Hill That Was Tara, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

The Hill That Was Tara, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1996

His Mission Begins, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Homeward Bound, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

The Hunter of the East, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Irish Lullaby, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Irish Lullaby, vocal, A Celtic Evening with Derek Bell, 1996

Jesus Went to Galilee, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

John Anderson, My Jo, instrumental, A Celtic Evening with Derek Bell, 1996

The Joy of Redemption, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Land of Mystery, instrumental, Meditation for Starters, 1996

Leave the Wise to Talk, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Life Cannot Die, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Lift Your Heart in Strength, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

The Light That Was Christ, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Look After Me – In Vain!, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Love Is a Magician, vocal, An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), 1996

The Man That Was Jesus, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Maurya’s Lament, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Memories of That isle, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Memories of That Isle, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1996

The Year Reviving Old Desires, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Oh, Come with Old Khayyam, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

One Evening at the Close of Ramazan, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Parade, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Playboy of the Western World, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1996

Shepherds, Awake, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Sing Out with Joy, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

The Sorrow of Jesus, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

The Moving Finger Writes, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Three Wise Men Came, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

To Jordan Came Jesus, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

To Mary There Came, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

To Souls that Were Fallen, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

We’re Off to School!, instrumental, Mystic Harp 2, 1996

When Thyself with Shining Foot Shall Pass, instrumental, I, Omar, 1996

Who Dreamed of the Tragedy?, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

The Wonders Man Carved, vocal, Christ Lives, 1996

Cherry Blossoms in Kyoto, vocal, 1995

Manana, Friends, vocal, 1995

Hawaiiana, vocal, 1995

Friendship Is Acting in Freedom, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Good Morning, vocal, 1994

Goodnight, Sweetheart, vocal, An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), 1994

Happiness Is Within, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Inner Peace, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Leadership, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Life Is an Adventure in Self-Awakening, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Life Mantra (Chant of the Angels), vocal, Chants of the Angels, 1994

Overcoming, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Prosperity Is a State of Mind, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Radiant Health and Well-Being, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

See All as Your Greater Self, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Self-Transcendence, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Success is Self-Perfection, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1994

Different Worlds (Life is a Quest for Joy), instrumental, 1994

Lullaby (Ninnananna), 1994

Gottsleibe, instrumental, 1994

Greek Dance, instrumental, 1994

Dearest, When I Think of Thee, vocal, Peace Treaty, 1992

Free At Last, vocal, Peace Treaty, 1992

Mist, instrumental, Mystic Harp, 1992

Mist, vocal, Meditation for Starters, 1992

New Dawn, instrumental, A Celtic Evening with Derek Bell, 1992

Teresa of Avila’s Admonition, chant, 1992

Life Is a Dream, vocal, Joy In the Heavens, 1990

Waltz, vocal, The Singer and the Nightingale, 1990

Sri Gurudeva, chant, 1989

Many Hands Make A Miracle, vocal, More Power to You, 1988

I Will Always Think of Thee (Quando Mi Sveglio), vocal, World Brotherhood Choir in Assisi, 1987

Joined in Prayer , vocal, 1987

Rest in God, Live in God, chant, 1987

Reveal Thyself, chant, 1987

Canticle of the Creatures (Cantico), vocal, Songs of St. Francis, 1986

Father, Mother, Friend (Padre, Madre), vocal, Festival of Light, 1986

I Wander with Thee (Ora, Padre), vocal, I Cantanti Della Gioia, 1986

I Will Sing Thy Name (arrangement), vocal, 1986

Life Flows On Like a River, vocal, Songs of St. Francis, 1986

Lord Most High (Make Us Channels of Thy Peace), vocal, An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), 1986

Minstrel Dance, instrumental, Songs of St. Francis, 1986

Sing Out with Joy (Canta Con Noi), vocal, Festival of Light, 1986

Thunder of Om, vocal, Festival of Light, 1986

Young Ladies of Assisi, instrumental, Songs of St. Francis, 1986

A New Tomorrow, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Ah, Moon of My Delight, vocal, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1985

Ancient Greece, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

The Annunciation, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Blessed Are They, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Blessed the Life, vocal, Praise Ye the Lord, 1985

Boys go To and Fro, vocal, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1985

Chartres Cathedral, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Christ Has Come, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Christ Is Risen, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Desert Solitude, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Divine Friendship, vocal, Wedding Music, 1985

Fear Not Zacharias, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Galilee, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Gethsemane, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

God, Our Father–Mother, vocal, Wedding Music, 1985

Hail Mary, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

He Who Clothes the Field, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

I Give My Daughter’s Hand, vocal, Wedding Music, 1985

I, A Pilgrim, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Il Mio Cuore (You Fill My Heart with Music), vocal, Nel Silenzio del Mio Cuore, 1985

In the Spirit, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

India, instrumental, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1985

Invocation to the Woodland Devas, vocal, Wedding Music, 1985

Jesus Walked These Hills, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Join Us in Blessing, vocal, Wedding Music, 1985

Land of Milk and Honey, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Let This Cup Pass from Me, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Lift Your Hearts, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Living Water, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Lord When In Darkness (Seguiro Sempre Te), vocal, 1985

Mary and Elizabeth Meet, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Mary Magdalene, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

May We Serve You, vocal, Praise Ye the Lord, 1985

Mother of Us All, vocal, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1985

Mother of Wisdom, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Mukunda, instrumental, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1985

Palm Sunday, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Praise Ye the Lord, vocal, Praise Ye the Lord, 1985

Psalm of David, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Quanto Ti Amero, vocal, 1985

The Rubaiyat, instrumental, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1985

Setting Out for Zion, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Shepherd’s Grotto, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Springtime, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

This Is My Son, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Thy Light Within Us Shining, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Thy Will Be Done, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Wedding Feast, instrumental, Christ Lives, 1985

Wedding March, instrumental, Wedding Music, 1985

Go With Love, vocal, All the World is My Friend, 1985

When Human Hopes, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Where He Dwells, vocal, Praise Ye the Lord, 1985

You Remain Our Friend, vocal, Christ Lives, 1985

Prayer Before Meals, vocal, 1985

Welcome, vocal, 1985

Say “Thank You”, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

Move, All You Mountains, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

School Song (Sing in the Meadows), vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

I’ll Tell the World (Be Free Inside), vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

It’s Time to Go to School, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

Life Is Beautiful, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

Lightly I Fly, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1985

At Day’s End, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Big Frog, Little Frog (Two Frogs), vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1983

Channels, vocal, World Brotherhood Choir in Assisi, 1983

Come with Me to Brasov, vocal, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Dearest, I Love You, vocal, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Dracula’s Castle, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Give Me Light, vocal, All the World is My Friend, 1983

Guide Me Lord, vocal, Songs of Gladness, 1983

Gypsy Dance, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Gypsy Hoedown, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Lift Your Heart in Strength, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1983

Market Day, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Monasteries, vocal, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Old Men at Sundown, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

AUM Christ Amen, vocal, Festival of Light, 1983

The Reapers, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Someday, vocal, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Springtime in Rumania, vocal, Windows on the World (Some of My Favorites), 1983

Springtime in Rumania, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Thank You, God, for the Sun, vocal, Songs of Gladness, 1983

Vieni Presto Jesu (Come to Me, Jesus), chant, 1983

Thy Will, Not Mine, chant, 1983

I Want Only Thee (Voglio Solo Te), chant, 1983

Through All Trials-song, vocal, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Village Dance, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Village Wedding, instrumental, Rumanian Memories, 1983

Amalfi Hills, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Cherish These (Amalfi Coast), vocal, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Cloisters (Chiostri), vocal, Chants from Fratellanza Della Gioia, 1982

Clouds, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Come Away Death, instrumental, 1982

Dendera, instrumental, 1982

Entering the Novitiate, instrumental, A New Renaissance, 1982

Entering the Temple, instrumental, Music from Ananda, 1982

Ever-New Joy (arrangement), chant, I Am Thine, 1982

AUM Kali (AUM Guru), chant, 1982

Have You Seen Sorrento?, vocal, An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), 1982

Horus Temple at Edfu, instrumental, 1982

I Am Thine, chant, Awake Into Light, 1982

I Live Without Fear, vocal, I Am Thine, 1982

In the Temple of Isis, vocal, Music from Ananda, 1982

Initiation Into the Mysteries, instrumental, A New Renaissance, 1982

The Joy of First Communion, instrumental, A New Renaissance, 1982

Kings Chamber, instrumental, 1982

Meditating in the Middle Pyramid, instrumental, 1982

Mediterranean Magic, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Pompeii, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Pyramid, instrumental, 1982

Ra Ma, vocal, Awake Into Light, 1982

Ravella, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Saggara, instrumental, 1982

Sail With Me to Capri, vocal, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Sailing, instrumental, 1982

Sobek, instrumental, 1982

Sorrento Flowers, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

Temple of Sleep, instrumental, 1982

Valley of Tombs, instrumental, 1982

Villa Cimbrone, instrumental, Mediterranean Magic, 1982

When I Awake, chant, I Am Thine, 1982

Come Out of the Darkness, chant, 1982

Dance/The Joy of Awakening, 1982

When You Come from Napoli, vocal, An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), 1982

Song of the Nightingale, instrumental, Secrets of Life, 1979

Where Has My Love Gone?, instrumental, 1978

Peace, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1976

What is Love?, instrumental, 1976

Interlude, instrumental, Music from Ananda, circa 1975

Invocation (Theme), vocal, I Cantanti Della Gioia, circa 1975

God’s Call Within (The Divine Romance), vocal, instrumental, Music from Ananda, 1975

Prelude (Bittersweet), instrumental, 1975

God, God, God (melody), vocal, Joy in the Heavens, 1973

I Am Free, chant, 1969

AUM Namo Bhagavate, chant, 1969

Brothers (Fratelli), vocal, Come Gather Round, 1967

Come Gather Round, vocal, Joy Singers in Concert, 1967

Hello There, Brother Bluebell, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1967

If You’re Seeking Freedom, vocal, I Cantanti Della Gioia, 1967

Krishna’s Flute, vocal, Songs of the Soul, 1967

Looking for a Friend, vocal, 1967

Philosopher and the Boatman, vocal, Joy Singers in Concert, 1967

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, vocal, Memories, 1967

There’s Joy In the Heavens, vocal, Say “Yes” to Life, 1967

Wartime Lullaby, vocal,1967

What is It For?, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1967

All that Glisters (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Come Away Death (melody), vocal, Music From Ananda, 1966

Desdemona’s Song (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Fairies Lullaby (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

The Fairies Song (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Fie on Sinful Fantasy (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Full Fathom Five (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Go On Alone (Walk Like a Man), vocal, Into the Magic, 1966

God’s Blessing (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Hark, Hark the Lark (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Imogen’s Song (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

It Was a Lover and His Lass (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Little Kathy, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1966

O Mistress Mine (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Salute the Nice Paper Flag (The Great Society), vocal, Memories, 1966

Spring Song (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Under the Greenwood Tree (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

When That I Was (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Where Has My Love Gone?, vocal, Into the Magic, 1966

Where Is Fancy Bred? (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Where the Bee Sucks (melody), vocal, Songs of Shakespeare, 1966

Who Is Sylvia? (melody), vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1966

Well Done, Lord!, vocal, Into the Magic, 1965

Melody’s Everywhere, vocal, 1965

Rise In Freedom, vocal, All the World Is My Friend, 1965

Boxes (More Boxes? No Thank You!), vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

The Christmas Mystery, vocal, Soul Songs, 1964

Come Chillun, Wake Up, vocal, Into the Magic, 1964

Farther Away than the Stars, vocal, Autobiography of a Yogi Reminiscences, 1964

I’ve Passed My Life As a Stranger, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

Jim Brown, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

Memories, vocal, Joy Singers in Concert, 1964

The Non-Blues, vocal, Joy Singers in Concert, 1964

One Day When I Was Roaming, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

Rama and Sita, vocal, Memories, 1964

The Secret of Laughter, vocal, Joy in the Heavens, 1964

The Shawl of Gold, vocal, Praise Ye the Lord, 1964

Song of the Nightingale, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

That Night When Christ Was Born, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

Through Many Lives: I’ll Wander Nevermore, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

Truth Can Never Die, vocal, Into the Magic, 1964

What Is Love?, vocal, Joy in the Heavens, 1964

Whose Child Am I?, 1964

Whose Gift is Happiness?, 1964

Why?, vocal, Come Gather ‘Round, 1964

Yes, It’s Devil Worship, vocal, 1964

Amrita, instrumental, Music from Ananda

Door of My Heart (Porta del Mio Cuor) (arrangement), vocal, An Evening in Italy (Cosi Canti), unknown

God is Our Father, Mother, Friend, vocal

I Awake in Thy Light, chant

I Wonder, vocal

AUM Namo Naryana, chant

Sri Yogananda, Guide to Inner Freedom (lyrics), chant

Two Lands

What is This Life?, chant

Publishers: Crystal Clarity, Publishers, recordings and sheet music









For more about Swami Kriyananda, please visit www.ananda.org


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