Message from Yogananda to his Los Angeles Yogoda Students

From Swami Yogananda
East-West, March-April, 1926

America, India, and the world expect a great deal from you. I have called Los Angeles the Spiritual World Army Headquarters (see my article on “World Appeal for Recruiting a Spiritual Army” in this issue). You must live up to that title. Never mind how good you have been, think always you can be better. Make yourself ideal by observing the following rules. I especially require every one connected with the Center to follow the routine outlined here:

Let half of your diet be raw food. Eat more ground nuts, rather than too much meat. Don’t indulge in very hot or cold drinks. Thus you will avoid colds. Drink more orange juice. Omit lunch or dinner as often as you can (whenever you are not hungry). Fast one day a week. Run every day (the Center members can run, in a body, around the tennis court for several rounds) or take a very brisk walk. Help in hospital and prison and other welfare work. Preach the gospel of Yogoda-health and concentration–everywhere. Do your daily work cheerfully, intensely, seeking more opportunities and prosperity that you may serve more and more members of the human family.

Read the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, and Scientific Healing Affirmations every night before retiring, after meditation. Reverse wrong thoughts in others by kindness, not criticism. Don’t criticize anyone except yourself. Make it a rule to bring a friend with you whenever you visit the Center, especially to Sunday School and Sunday meetings, and thus spiritually help a soul. Be loyal to Yogoda, spread the message, and grow. Practice kindness and sweetness in word and deed. Keep your minds engaged by reading good books. This will keep the bad habits of fear, worry, and gossip out of your minds. Let God and His work alone reign there. Know that I constantly think of you all and want to see you growing in every way. –


Message to My Los Angeles Students
From Swami Yogananda
East-West, May-June 1926

Dear ones! The power of truth is secretly spreading in different lands. Like the rising dawn it is creeping all over, pushing the darkness away. Hold on to love, truth, meditation, and service. Think of nothing but light, and ignorance shall disappear. Ignorance must first go from within us; then it disappears without.

The power of truth has been proved to you. Hold on. Faith everlasting to the teacher, teaching, and God. You shall see the goal; lo! it is there, right before you!


Message to My Los Angeles Students
From Swami Yogananda
East-West, Sept-Oct 1926

Never before, my dear ones of Los Angeles, did you make me feel so much at home as you did this time on my vacation to you. I have now known the loyal ones through the test of time. It is wonderful to know one has real friends. True sincere friendship is the light with which we can help one another to see and pass through the door of Heaven. When in mutual service we forget the little self, then only will we see the one big Self of the Spirit running though us.

The sunny California climate and the Oriental cordiality that I found on every hand, made me almost think I was back in India again. Certainly you made me feel, with your harmony and spiritual blending, that One Spirit existed in us; and I could not find myself apart. It was only after breaking three railroad reservations to New York that I found just sufficient separateness and individuality to be able to unwillingly leave you.

May you grow in every way, and broadcast the message of Yogoda to East, West, North, South. Remember and act according to the suggestions I lovingly gave to you.



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