Kamala Silva – A Conversation With Yogananda About Communities

Kamala Silva, beloved disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda
Kamala Silva, beloved disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda

Kamala Silva, a life-long disciple of Yogananda, is author of The Flawless Mirror. In this book, she recounts a conversation she had with Yogananda about World Brotherhood Colonies just five months before he passed away in March, 1952.

Kamala Silva writes:
“On one of the drives along the coast, Master spoke to me about the value of SRF Colonies. He referred to the forming of groups within a city or a rural area in the manner of hermitage life, among members who do not desire to become renunciates, or cannot do so because of certain obligations. Such a life would enable each one to be in daily association with those who share the same spiritual goal.”

“He described such Colonies as made up of married couples and their families, as well as single people, who have the will to serve, and to live in harmony with one another. Master envisioned the idea as one in which all may work together in a self-supporting group wherein each one is dedicated to God.”

About Kamala Silva

Kamala Silva, a close disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda’s since the mid-1920s, and ordained by him as a minister, was a householder and minister for SRF in Oakland, California. She was one of SRF’s most popular ministers, attracting a loyal and dedicated group of devotees to Yogananda’s teachings.


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