Has SRF Lost Its Way?

This material is from a previous website called Yogananda Rediscovered. We’ve transferred it here as a convenience to the reader. (Yogananda Rediscovered is no longer online.)

Introduction: Has Self-Realization Fellowship Lost Its Way?

1. Has SRF lost Yogananda’s Spirit of Love?

a. The Infinite Beloved in All
b. SRF evicts widow and disciple from family home, provided by Yogananda
c. Long-time SRF minister abandoned in her elder years
d. Former SRF Vice-President is persecuted for more than 40 years
e. Agree or resign: How the work in Europe was crippled for years
f. Monk abandoned
g. The Art of Gaining Friends including “Why Love Your Enemies?”
a. Part I—SRF seeks monopoly on Yogananda’s teachings
b. Part II—Can eternal truth be private property?
c. Part III—Does SRF own Yogananda?
d. Part IV—Does SRF have “unclean hands”?
e. Gurus, Celibacy, & Spiritual Authority
f. Kindness & Support vs. Judgment & Punishment

4. Current Events and News

5. Why Has Community Lifestyle for Householder Devotees Been Ignored by SRF?

a. The most stirring lecture I ever heard—Yogananda’s passion for colonies
b. Did Yogananda change his mind about colonies late in life?
c. The need for World Brotherhood Colonies
d. A conversation with Yogananda about colonies
e. Kamala Silva
f. Build self-sustaining colonies now
g. Plain living and high thinking
h. Yogoda world-city planned
i. For over 40 years, Yogananda devotees have lived and worked together in colonies inspired by Yogananda’s ideal
a. My Years with SRF, My Years with Ananda One Devotee’s Story
b. Can We Talk? A Challenge to SRF Ministers to Debate with Ananda Ministers
c. An Open Letter to the SRF Board of Directors from Swami Kriyananda
d. An Appeal to Reason from Paramhansa Yogananda
e. Karmic Patterns
f. Daya Mata’s role
Yogananda’s predictions for the SRF presidency
g. Religion in the New Age
h. An Appeal to Reason from saints and sages of all religions
a. Guidance from Yogananda
b. Service to SRF
c. Writing
d. Music
e. Friend & Guide
f. Founding of Ananda
g. Ananda—places of worship
h. A directory of Ananda centers and places of worship
i. World brotherhood colonies: Ananda communities — a way of life
j. A directory of Ananda communities
k. Paramhansa Yogananda’s legacy for education and children
l. Meditation retreats & Ananda worldwide
a. A rebuttal to the Los Angeles New Times article, July 2001
b. Recent correspondence between Brahmananda and Ananda, November, 2001
c. Swami Kriyananda to Mrinalini Mata
d. Brother Brahmananda to Swami Kriyananda
e. Swami Kriyananda to Brahmananda
f. Jyotish Novak and Vidura Smallen to Brahmananda
g. Padma McGilloway to Mrinalini Mata
h. Terry McGilloway to Brahmananda
i. Asha Praver to Brahmananda
j. Swami Kriyananda to a friend



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