Colonies of Yogananda Devotees Exist Today—Based on His Teachings
What is Ananda?
Ananda is a Sanskrit word for “Divine Bliss.” Founded in 1968 in the foothills of the Sierra mountains by Swami Kriyananda, Ananda has developed into a network of sister communities, retreats, places of worship, and businesses where devotees work, live, and worship together.
Ananda members are disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda. Members have received their training from Swami Kriyananda and the many ministers he has personally trained over the 33 years of Ananda’s history.
Ananda is a new kind of spiritual community—modelled on Yogananda’s ideal for householder devotees. It offers a dynamic and vibrant lifestyle for householder devotees who wish to immerse themselves in the path of yoga.
Yogananda’s teachings emphasize direct inner experience of God, not abstract concepts about Him. This is the truth that vibrates at the heart of every great religion. For the essential message of all of them is the same: that every soul must seek inward upliftment and Self-realization.
In a spiritual community, your inner development and peace is tested in the cold light of day. At Ananda, disciples have the opportunity to test and strengthen their spiritual muscles on the challenges of raising a family, managing a business, and working effectively with others.
Spiritual community provides opportunities for sharing with others the joy of a meaningful existence.
We welcome you on a tour of the world Yogananda envisioned for the future—a future which is here, now.
“You have been chosen to bring spiritual solace through Kriya Yoga to numerous earnest seekers. The millions who are encumbered by family ties and heavy worldly duties will take new heart from you, a householder like themselves. You must guide them to see that the highest yogic attainments are not barred to the family man. Even in the world, the yogi who faithfully discharges his responsibilities, without personal motive or attachment,treads the sure path of enlightenment.”
—Babaji to Lahiri Mahasaya,
Autobiography of a Yogi, original edition