Autumn, 2001
Dear Friends:
Many times over the years Swami Kriyananda has written to Daya Mata, and other board members and monastics at SRF, about various issues relating to Master’s mission, such as SRF’s role, the relationship between SRF and Ananda, and SRF’s treatment of Swami and others. Usually Swami receives no answer at all.
Recently, however, a letter Swami sent to Mrinalini Mata generated a response from Brother Brahmananda. Brahmananda is the monk who coordinates SRF’s lawsuit against Ananda. Because of this, many of us know him well.
Several of us replied to Brahmananda’s letter.
Michael Flynn is referred to in several of these letters. As most of you know, Flynn represented Anne-Marie Bertolucci in her lawsuit against Ananda in 1994, and now also represents SRF in their lawsuit against Ananda. Although SRF claimed to have no connection to the Bertolucci lawsuit, Flynn has in fact been associated with SRF for many years, starting long before 1994.
We thought you would be interested in this correspondence. The letters, all attached, were written between late September and early November, 2001.
For legal reasons, a few phrases from Swami’s original letter are paraphrased. Everything else is here in its entirety.
In divine friendship,
Jyotish, Vidura, Padma, Terry, Asha