Swami Kriyananda, founder of Ananda, has been a close, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda for more than 60 years. His life has been one of prodigious creativity—author, composer, photographer, screenwriter, dramatist, worldwide lecturer, counselor and teacher, and founder of eight spiritual communities wherein altogether about a thousand people live. These things he has accomplished by the power he received from Yogananda by his complete dedication to his guru’s service.
To learn more about Swami Kriyananda, his books and videos, and the cooperative spiritual communities he has founded, visit the Ananda website.
See also:
The Life of Swami Kriyananda (video: 15 minutes).
Swami Kriyananda’s Acccomplishments, Honors, and Awards
Book: Swami Kriyananda, As We Have Known Him, by Nayaswami Asha Praver.
More Books by and About Swami Kriyananda and his Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda